SGC - Seashore Group of Companies
SGC stands for Seashore Group of Companies
Here you will find, what does SGC stand for in IT under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Seashore Group of Companies? Seashore Group of Companies can be abbreviated as SGC What does SGC stand for? SGC stands for Seashore Group of Companies. What does Seashore Group of Companies mean?The India based company is located in Khurda, Orissa engaged in outsourcing/offshoring industry.
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Alternative definitions of SGC
- Server Gated Cryptography
- Sportscard Guarantee Corporation
- Server Gated Cryptography
- Surveyor Of Green County
- Salivary gland carcinoma
- Supreme Grand Champion
- Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase
- Star Gate Command
View 188 other definitions of SGC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SLS Saint Louis Sucre
- SIL Service Industries Limited
- SFB State Farm Bank
- SMR Stowe Mountain Resort
- SBE Stratford Board of Education
- SCRMC St. Claire Regional Medical Center
- SINP Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
- SHS Schenectady High School
- SBSSB SBS Skill Builders
- SHM Southern Healthcare Management
- SMC Stella Maris College
- SAME Snooze an A.M. Eatery
- SCC Southeastern Community College
- SCVR SC Vocational Rehabilitation
- STBP Secure Trust Bank PLC
- SIGA Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority
- SMMH St. Mary Mercy Hospital
- SCHR Sun Country Health Region
- SRC Seneca Resources Corporation